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Welcome to the blog for crisis preparation, tips and tricks for bug-in and bug-out and the necessary equipment. But we don't want to attract attention with our preparation and supplies. We stay under the radar. We'll explain here how this works and why it's a good idea. 


Clothing & Gear

​In this section we present clothing and equipment that has proven itself and corresponds to the "Gray Man" style. Be excited.



What do I really need to store? What makes sense? Which quantities? Not just for me, but for my entire family. Here are the answers


Bug out

​If an event drives us to flee, we should also be prepared. In this section we give you useful tips to avoid attracting attention.

"Golden Prepper Cycle"


How do you start with the topic? Where should a newbie start? What are experienced preppers missing? That's very easy to answer.


Our “Golden Prepper Cycle” shows it. How does the “Golden Prepper Cycle” work? Very easy. It goes from the inside out. Each circle is only important completely. Let's start with the middle.


Physical and mental resilience

Everything rises and falls with you. You have to be physically fit. withstand loads. Both physically and mentally. How well can you handle pressure and extreme situations? Do you practice extreme situations and your reactions to this stress? Seriously injured or in shock? In this case, all the equipment is of no use. That's why it's in the middle.



The knowledge of bushcraft, first aid, plant knowledge and self-defense are skills that, once acquired, remain with you. Always available. This is the next circle. It takes time, but drawing on your skills in an emergency can make all the difference.



The outer ring may crumble under certain circumstances. Not all of the equipment will always be completely available to you. As long as the inner and middle rings are standing, a lot can be survived. But this ring, this equipment depends directly on your skills. What's the point of having the best bushcraft equipment if you can't handle it? What's the point of having the best self-defense weapon if you don't practice regularly? I think you now understand the principle of the “Golden Prepper Cycle”.

Let's go into more detail. The Rings.


Physical & Mental Health

How healthy are you? How sporty are you? How flexible? How clever? How intelligent? Do you keep fit regularly? Nutrition? Lots of questions and so many are personal. But only you know the honest answers. And that's what it's all about. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Take care of your physical fitness and health. Likewise, take care of your physical resilience.


Where to start? What is your body mass index (BMI)? Here's a calculator for those who don't want to believe it 😊.


BMI Calculator


First Aid

This ability is always helpful. For you, your family and everyone else. Constantly educate yourself. The first aid instruction for driving licenses is good, but not sufficient. And let's be honest, for many of them it's been years back. How do you handle child emergencies? What first aid materials do I need? What can you do with it and how can you help injured people? You have to practice all of this over and over and over again.


Situational awareness

Very well summarized by the Information System Research Center. Situational awareness is the capture of all factors and conditions. Also to be translated with situational awareness. We humans have the 5 senses at our disposal and the question in which context we move. Situational awareness is the ability to recognize and understand a situation or environment and identify possible threats. This ability can be trained and developed further.



This ability gives you the basics to avoid an attack situation or to fend off attacks on your mental or physical integrity. Our experience shows that individual self-defense courses are not enough. Self-defense and even self-assertion requires regular training. And depending on the martial art or martial art, this can sometimes mean years of training. But in disaster scenarios, this investment pays off.



What are we supposed to say to that. Thousands of videos exist on the Internet. At this point we will not show you how to build A-Frame shelters. Your bushcraft skills are extremely important in crisis situations. But which ones make sense to us? There is a difference whether we go into the forest alone or whether we have to survive as a family. Accordingly, the techniques and tools are tailored to your individual needs.



This is a method of preserving food. Proven for centuries or even millennia and quick to learn. This is about preparation. Many foods can be easily fermented and stored for a long time. This knowledge and, above all, experience is important in this topic.


Plant Science

What poisonous and edible plants are there around me? Which mushrooms are edible? Which ones aren't? Which wild herbs can we eat? Which herbs are medicinal herbs and protect our well-being or can cure illnesses? This knowledge is indispensable for us and forms an essential skill pillar for survival situations. No matter whether urban environments or deep in the wilderness. In this article you will find out how some people grow their own pharmacy on a balcony or in the garden.


Our Blog article: April - Your own pharmacy

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